
Scarcely Lethal Noob
Hello, My name is StoleN and I am a Master Guardian 2, For about 70 wins I was stuck in silver hell, I know how annoying it is to be silver and how annoying it is to get out of silver.. If you solo-queue you get stuck with shitty silvers who have no microphone, No communication and no aim. Alot of silvers are good enough to be a higher rank but are held down. I am offering a boosting service to get you out of silver, No matter what silver I will boost you to gn1 or higher. This is a FREE SERVICE. All I ask is that you commend me and recommend me to your friends, After you get boosted if you feel like donating a skin/keys but it is NOT required. I will boost you to GN2 for FREE. Any ranks higher is 1 key per rank.
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