
Can't see who sprayed a spray?
So I am in a community server (skial), and the server has sprays enabled. If you don't know, when you walk up to a spray, it will tell you who sprayed it via text on the screen. You can also spray your spray on top of another spray.

Here's the issue: Today, I saw that somebody has sprayed a very inappropriate and frankly disturbing image. I walked up to it, and it did not tell me who sprayed it. I tried spraying over it, and my spray just went behind it. Literally nobody could do anything about this horrible spray in our base. What do I do in this situation? How do I know who to report to the admins? (Pornography is forbidden on the skial servers.) I know that reporting or votekicking wont always work, but we should at least be able to spray over it. Is there anything that can be done besides just turning off sprays altogether? (which is what I reluctantly resorted to doing because I didn't want to keep seeing that image.)

Author: Titanmaster970