Ewok (Distilled Water)

Unremarkable User
Abusive Voice Chat | Username Abuse | Trolling

Player Name:
Blargh (or) BBlarghtonton (ewok@sodom)




Detailed Explanation / Screenshots / Demos:
Abusive Text Chat & Trolling - Username Changes To Further The Attempt To Libel & Slander 'Ewok (Distilled Water)'

username list below:
Blarghtonton (ewok@sodom)



Ewok (BLM)

Ewok (went to public school)

Sgt Fodder did no wrong

Ewok (distilled water)


Mildly Menacing Medic
Not gonna lie that I haven't teased this guy a lil, but oh man, a little banter after this guy relentlessly bashes a Skial member's parenting day in and day out, while verbally abusing young teenagers for hours, seems a little thin skinned and conceited. Not to mention casual and projected anti-semitism, racism, and homophobia.

Ewok (Distilled Water)

Unremarkable User
^ Classic Response From An Objector To Truth

Blargh has constantly trolled and egged on arguments while taking up for the sides of immoral viewpoints.

My criticisms of androgyny & destruction of family values, globalism and the unequal representation in our political arena, as well as other pressing topics were all sound and no such record of projected anti-semitism, racism, and homophobia can be produced because I have never uttered such bigotry.

When valid criticisms or opinions are spoken into the server - Blargh is always the first one there to try to stir the dumpster fire with some sort of edgy trolly comment in order to egg things on.
The list of usernames to further his trolling efforts now has another +1 with the creative tag: "Blarghton (ewok doxxed himself).
As 'Blargh' frantically searches for allies in this battle of bullshit/truth unfolds, he is pointing out that my original forum profile included my first/last name. Enjoy the personal internet digging *boy*!

The only thing you'll do as a result of digging up my personal data and 'irl' info is a possibility of LEARNING AND GROWTH.

Ewok Out.

Phantom 5.0

Totally Ordinary Human
We don’t police, nor have rules against toxicity. Mute each other in your menu options and avoid each other if possible.

If there are any rule violations regarding racism, please report those.