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Australian Skial God
I just got banned from dustbowl us21 for no good reason as well as many others in my friends list WHAT!??!?!
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Reactions: Rockeeben

|Au| SirHC

Uncharitable Spy
Same thing just happened to me and some friends, no idea what is going on. We were in us4 badwater though.


Unremarkable User
Same here, 2fort US7 Banned..I think someones not to happy with Skial or something. Im thinking everyone got the ban


Uncharitable Spy
Ya, I just got banned from 5Gorge US10 for no reason. I checked sourcebans but was unable to find myself. The only rule that I found that I might have broken was the offensive sprays one, but my spray is just a picture of a heavy with the caption "Kony, your whole team is babies".


Spectacularly Lethal Soldier
Try connecting again in a minute guys, looks like the bans are being reversed.


Unremarkable User
Yep, just got banned from Badwater EU 1 I believe, looked at console and many others were banned for reason: (i.p block)
also just joined the server... wth?

Meena San

Unremarkable User
Same thing, was just playing a boring medic...wasn't even talking and I was banned with my friend Visuvius on ctfort.

Hoping this is some massive mistake, if so please un-ban Visuvius & MeenaSan.