
Mildly Menacing Medic
Mic Spam - Endless repeat offendor for 6 months running

Player Name:
atoms for peace


12:45 AM CST


Detailed Explanation / Screenshots / Demos:
Regulars on the Palyoad+ US Skial server know this guy real well. He's got the same MO every night he plays:

-Unceasing stream of verbal abuse
-Constantly puts down his own teammates and blames them for his shortcomings
-Favorite, recognizable phrases include "You're helping the enemy team. Stop helping the other team." "Be aggressive cocksuckers" and "Stop wasting your ubers on the other players, medics."
-Calls his teammates dicksuckers, faggots, and cocksuckers without end.
-Sometimes he targets specific players and bullies them for an extended period of time, with no justification or provocation.

Once he really gets going, it becomes a monotonous, stream-of-consciousness abuse - jamming the mic, frequently talking over other people or not letting his teammates talk and communicate. The content is bad enough, but the lack of filter on the sheer verbosity also qualifies it as mic spam. He barely interacts with anyone over the mic (he wants to monopolize it for himself), and when he does, it's never a conversation - just targeted abuse.

Every night he plays, he gets votemuted - but 30 minutes later, he's back at it, spamming the mic again, as if he hasn't been interrupted (he certainly doesn't give a damn about the mute). Also, because it's SOO bad, often votemutes will fail the first few times, because some people think it's funny (they're not the regulars, so to them, it's novel). So we're subjected to his bullshit for about 20 minutes before finally even the newer players get tired of it and vote yes on the mute.

He was doing this as far back as October, and does it several nights a week. I'm sure he has an EXTENSIVE history of being votemuted on the Skial servers which speaks for itself. The latest, from tonight, is here: https://www.skial.com/threads/red-pussy-push-the-cart-voice-spam.78337/

I'd like to see Skial begin to take some real action against this guy - we've been putting up with him for a long time. He's not a positive influence on the atmosphere of the game, he's a bully, and at the end of the day, he's a mic spammer, a clear violation of the rules.

Here's a sample demo of him:


EDIT: Fixed demo link


Gaben's Own Aimbot
In that demo you provided I didn't hear anything we would consider as mic spam.

The guy is obviously a dick, but trash talking and being a general asshole isn't against our rules.

If he is mic spamming we need demo evidence of it, or we need to see it ourselves in person to make a silence. But from that demo alone I don't see any mic spamming going on.


Mildly Menacing Medic
I'll try to get a demo that passes muster for you. Can you define mic spamming for me, so that I know when it's good enough for you?


Gaben's Own Aimbot
I'll try to get a demo that passes muster for you. Can you define mic spamming for me, so that I know when it's good enough for you?

Like most of our rules we handle things on a case by case basis and a lot of micspamming is dependent on circumstances so I'm not sure how to give a good general explanation. Maybe a different admin who is more eloquent than I am could explain it.

But for the most part, it boils down to common sense, and of course the circumstances.

Some examples of what we would consider micspam:
- Someone playing a high pitched ear raping noise on the mic
- Someone screaming into the mic
- Someone holding down their mic button and making weird noises for a long period of time
- Someone holding down their mic button and rambling on for a very long period of time intentionally talking over other people, trying to be disruptive and intentionally hogging the mic

Just to name a few random examples. That last one is especially circumstantial.

It just depends on the individual case really. It's difficult to give a general explanation for mic spam. Chat spam is a lot different, that's easy to explain. But mic spam is very circumstantial.

But in the case of this guy, the demo you provided was just him insulting people here and there. He wasn't holding down his mic blasting people with insults non-stop. Just some occasional crap talking.