• If you are not the person that was banned/muted, you are only allowed to post evidence. Trash talk is unnecessary.


Unremarkable User
Link to your ban or your com block:
Why should you be unbanned or unblocked?:
I made a huge mistake in posting a spray that was very inappropriate and I wish I knew more about who the character was before spraying it. Unfortunately, I didn't know what the age of Amy Rose was and it made me feel awful once I looked more into detail about it. I just assumed she was around the adult range of age since the picture really didn't show her completely. I'm not much of a Sonic fan but I knew the character Amy Rose including her name but really not much of anything else besides that. I am against those kinds of sprays and I wished I decided to check more about the character before making it into a spray first. I didn't wish for my actions to be so harmful and I'm deeply sorry for what it caused.​


Legendary Mapper
Change your spray, then show me a screenshot of your new spray and I'll lift your ban


Unremarkable User
I can't post the image, it says this: "You cannot post links or email addresses until you have 2 posts. This is to prevent SPAM"


Unremarkable User
https: //steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1636451952913166090/5F69CBB70934E7C99FC0A850587C1D071CD463D2/