
Scarcely Lethal Noob
GMT 00: 2-6 hours per day
Will you get mad if you lose admin?:
No, you have the right to remove anyone on your server.
How do you ban your own SteamID?:
console command: sm_ban "# STEAM_0:1:25310343" 30 "obvious aimbot"
Any other reason you should be admin:

I am Peter, I am 20 years old and I am studying Games Programming at university!

I am kind, understanding and I spend a lot of time on your servers. I love the Orange server and I like to play as a sniper on it. I want to be part of the team that looks out for people on the server and help people who need help.

I would not only be looking out for people who are breaking the rules, but I would be looking out for people who may be new to the game and want a bit of help learning the ropes. I have been playing TF2 for years and I have a lot of experience, especially as a sniper where I think I excel the most.

There are a lot of times in university where I have to deal with stressful situations, and I feel that I am very good at that. I can deal with a situation in a controlled, calm manner and make sure that the outcome is fair for both sides. I will not be someone who is there to look down on anyone, much the opposite. I will be there to look after the community as a regular player, with a few more options when it does come down to enforcing the rules.

Thank you very much,


Scarcely Lethal Noob
Thank you all for your feedback, I understand I haven't had a brilliant connection time. Maybe next time, thanks :D