Ben Pace

Unremarkable User
4:00 P.M. because of school to 9:30 P.M. just on weekdays a lot later and more time on weekends
Link to your Stats Page:
Playing Time:
117:45:13 (02:06:01 AFK)
Will you get mad if you lose admin?:
Definetly not, i would still love to play on skial for sure my favorite servers
How do you ban yourself using your own SteamID?:
sm_ban "#[U:1:60133372]" 30 "Obvious Aimbot"
Any other reason you should be admin:
The servers i play on i think would need some help with being more fair and a safer area for the community, i am a very fair person and try my best to help the community and this would give me a reason to try even harder. Sorry that i cant be on much on the weekdays school time is strict. Thank you all!!!​


Legendary Mapper

Does not meet required amount of hours and overall general low effort application