
A list of community servers I recommend (and dont) for new players
1. []( servers. These servers are very unique in that you can get any weapon, hat, war paint, unusual (not 100% on this), etc. by typing !items then navigating the menu with the numbers. so if you saw a cool loadout you wanna try but dont wanna spend your money on it or grind you can just pop into one of these and get the loadout, try it out, then evaluate if you would want this. I did this to see if I would be good as a demoknight (its a no if your wondering. But im still practicing.)
2. minigame servers. these are mainly for people who dont take the game seriously, the one that may be best for new players is skials freak fortress server. However others like vs saxton hale and deathrun may be appropiate as well. but from my experience freak fortress was the most chill. Theres also a murder server I played on, so if your a gmod person you can play that if you want. be warned people can be dicks sometimes on that server.
3. friendly servers. these tend to be pretty dead, but if you can find a packed one, it can be alot of fun. the most popular one from my knowledge is lazypurples friendly server.
4. man vs machine community servers (or boot camp in the mvm menu) if you always wanted to play mvm but didint feel like paying money to play it then your a cheapskate and theres an alternative. these servers are crazy fun if you have a good team. the bad part is that literally no one plays mvm. but if you have about 3 or more friends then you can play mvm with them.
5. mge\_ servers. These are good if you wanna practice against a certain class like soldiers or scouts. Make sure you put mge\_ in the tags instead of duel however.

now the ones I highly recommend you do not join.

1. Achievement engineer. Everyone thinks they're really good at the game and act high and mighty. Def avoid these ones.
2. 100% crit servers. This one you can join, if you want, not many people are dicks there. But if you wanna get good at the game, absolutely avoid these servers at all costs. If you watched or heard uncle danes reasoning as for why random crits should be removed you know that random crits teach the wrong thing to new players. And this server is full of crits that teach you the wrong thing. I do recommend coming to one though if you just wanna have fun.
3. Fake duel servers. These servers are like achievement engineer servers if the map sucked more. and its not even a duel arena, its more like a mosh pit of fucksticks.

Author: Ultrainstinctthanos