Legendary Skial King
| steamname: SasnarDash
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50218950
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060703628
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SasnarDash
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198060703628

| steamname: Oorah
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:55175174
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070616076
| customURL:
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198070616076




Events: He added me asking me "how many buds for your noir" and after I said that it wasn't for sale he went on to "warn" me about how I should rid myself of the hat for my own good. When I replied with a question as to "why?" He went on to say "I heard it is a scammed hat" so I took a quick look into it. In the hats history on outpost it clearly states he had owned the noir in the past. This set off red lights in my head.(see trade here: http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/11488394 and see the first owner of the hat claiming he was scammed here: http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/11411849 (last comment.))After I had found out it was him who had scammed the hat. After I basically blew it up in his face, he went on to tell me he doesn't even want the hat, even though he added me to do the same paypal scam he did to the unlucky first owner of the Noir. He even admits to scamming it on paypal (see screenshots.) After this blood sucker found out I didn't even own the Noir anymore he went on to delete me, but not before I warned him myself.

Never tell your password to anyone.
SasnarDash: whats up
Oorah: Sasnar
Oorah: How many buds for yoru anti freeze
SasnarDash: not for sale
Oorah: but u should get rid of it
Oorah: Soon
Oorah: I am warning you.
SasnarDash: and that's because?
Oorah: It is a scammed hat I heard
Oorah: I dont know if you scammed it or who did
Oorah: im just saying
SasnarDash: uh huh.
SasnarDash: let me see
SasnarDash: the noirs history...
SasnarDash: you're on it
SasnarDash: lets click on your trade
Oorah: Yes exactly
SasnarDash: "scammed"
SasnarDash: by you.
SasnarDash: if you were warning me to get rid of it
SasnarDash: then why would you buy it
SasnarDash: nice act.
Oorah: Because i just found ou
SasnarDash: right.
Oorah: i bought it from rutabuga for paypal
Oorah: And then shit blew up
Oorah: and now it is claimed scam
SasnarDash: well i didn't buy it knowing it was a scammed item.
Oorah: I just recommend you sell it.
Oorah: Dude im trying to help you
Oorah: sell it
SasnarDash: i don't even have it anymore
SasnarDash: i gave it away
Oorah: Oh
Oorah: Well then see ya
SasnarDash: wait.
SasnarDash: let me warn you
SasnarDash: if you add the person who has it.
SasnarDash: my girlfriend
SasnarDash: and you annoy her.
SasnarDash: there will be an issue.
SasnarDash: im texting her right now to tell her to not accept your request.
SasnarDash: good day.
Oorah: What
Oorah: i dont want it
Oorah: i was warning u to get rid of it
Oorah: god day
Oorah: good day
Oorah is now Offline.
Im reporting him because he gave me a confession to scamming the hat on paypal.

EDIT: He joined my server and impersonated "Rutabaga" (real Rutabaga: http://steamcommunity.com/id/rutabaga200/ (rutabaga is the original owner of the noir)) ->This is his name changes: http://prntscr.com/199p6z , This is him changing his name ingame: http://prntscr.com/199nul ,This is him leaving the game: http://prntscr.com/199nzx and tried to say that if we did not give him the noir back he would get valve employees in after us. after he knew we had found out it was him he changed his name back and quickly left the game.

This is the second chat we had with him.


Legendary Skial King
That seems kinda ambiguous. I'd need a bit more backstory on that transaction.


Legendary Skial King
Update: This scum bag was reported on SOP and was marked as a scammer as of yesterday/today. No need for this report anymore.