
  1. silvertheidiot

    Picture Can't seem to get this female pyro mod to work on skial.

    I'm trying to use this female pyro mod on the skial servers but every time i just get errors. Anyone could help?
  2. Maulfik

    Declined Female pyro model addition?

    I would love to see this in the DR server, i dont really have any other argument than to add it. i would be more active on the server and look forward to it. i have seen other servers implement it and it just adds more personalization to the people in the server. i do not exactly know how it...
  3. dope

    Need Help Change Skial FF2 model hitboxes.

    Over the course of 2 years of my time playing on Skial FF2 I have noticed that some of the hit boxes are very broken. A perfect example of this issue would be Hatsune miku, and Mario. These two models in particular don't fit their actual hitboxes. Mario; Mario's model is way too big for his hit...