nip nop

Mildly Menacing Medic
Currently, whenever a pyro airblasts an ubered vagineer, the duration of it is extended. But why? I think it's safe to assume that most people don't enjoy playing against pyros, and believe that in order to counter pyro's easy to use and effective airblast, it's only fair for vagineer's uber to be extended to discourage airblasting except for last ditch scenarios. But why isn't this the case for the easter bunny or christian brutal sniper? Why isn't the easter bunny's grenade launcher clip increased after being airblasted? Why isn't christian brutal sniper given additional arrows after having them airblasted? Why does the vagineer have the luxury of his rage being supplemented by airblast, and not the other hales with special rages? It's currently debatable that vagineer is the strongest hale in the game mode, with the ability to turn invincible and drastically increase his damage output with haste. But, he of course isn't perfect. The downside of his ubercharge upon rage is that he cannot gain any more rage until it runs out, whereas every other hale will continue to gain rage upon receiving damage and airblasts even after using a rage, but should this not be an acceptable downside for complete invulnerability? Vagineer also has a smaller rage-stun radius than saxton and horseman, meaning you should have to "strategically" rage more carefully, but pyro's airblast increasing the duration of ubercharge goes against this philosophy. Also can't forget the fact that newer players can hurt the team by airblasting, and others can potentially grief by intentionally doing the same.

TL;DR: Vagineer's ubercharge being extended by airblast acts as a buffer for his lowered rage radius, and it isn't fair for his specific rage to be supplemented by airblast over the bunny and sniper, especially as arguably the strongest hale.

Zeke Aileron

Gore-Spattered Heavy
I'm pretty mixed about Vagineer since most of the regulars want his Haste to be removed entirely since it's overpowered paired with being Uber'd for the entire duration and then some if Airblasted during his rage, it's abysmal....

So it's a +1 for the Extended Uber being removed, but i do want Haste on him to also be removed or looked into....


Sufficiently Lethal Scout
+1 for removing the haste. The Uber is less of an issue IMO.

nip nop

Mildly Menacing Medic
this thread wasnt even made about haste but its all people talk about

yes i would like the haste removed too but i made this about airblast extending ubercharge and i would like for people to tell me where i am possibly wrong about it in any form


Positively Inhumane Poster
this thread wasnt even made about haste but its all people talk about

yes i would like the haste removed too but i made this about airblast extending ubercharge and i would like for people to tell me where i am possibly wrong about it in any form

Without Haste, rage extension via airblast is actually a bit more of a RED-sided mechanic than it appears.
If RED has even one HP Heavy, airblasting to buy extra time to keep Hale away from teammates until the Heavy can show up to Holiday Punch crit and take advantage of the fullstun that Ubered Vag and specifically Ubered Vag receives. This is a very strong hard counter that is part of the reason Saxton is still largely the best Hale by original design; every other Hale has hard counters or "downgrades."