
Uncharitable Spy
Seeing how it seems a large portion of your TF2 servers are being DDOS every day now....:unamused:
It might be a good idea to have a Live/Semi-Live list of servers that are currently under attack to prevent actual players from unknowingly helping the attacker with connection attempts.
This can also be helpful for players with bad connections; ie) "is it my problem?...or is it yours?" kind of mentally.

This plugin link could be on your pages main header widget under Server Stats; or to save your webmaster a few seconds have it tied in under Servers.


Players joining a server under attack don't really make the problem worse, you will be unable to join at all.

It isn't a large portion of servers either, only the top few most populated servers are being attacked.

I would recommend that you try to fill up 2fort+ us and deathrun us 2. The attacker is unable to take that datacenter down. They seem to be unable to take down the NY server now as well. Our EU servers are also completely immune.

Otherwise we are diligently focusing on taking down the ips being used by the attacker. Thank you for your patience.