
Uncharitable Spy
Hello! Been lurking in the forums and I've read your rules. I've also read ban appeals to see what would happen to me if me or someone else at my network severely broke your rules. The biggest question I have for you guys is the appeal about using scripts. I've read over 50 pages of appeals and 99,9% of the time a script kiddie was not let off the hook regardless if he/she/it or his/her/its friend was using scripts on their network. As far as I know one person whose friend was supposedly using scripts on his/her/its network got away with it. My question is this. Is there absolutely 0% chance of script kiddies getting unbanned regardless if their friend/mother/cousin did it? If yes then why was this one appeal an exception? I am not contesting the rules, I just want to know are there people who are forgiven if certain conditions are met? I am genuinely curious and sorry if this question was stupid. Thank you for reading and let's keep this thread civil. :blush: (Scripts in this case refer to gaining an unfair advantage in the game such as seeing other players behind walls or locking onto another players at unnatural speed)


We unbanned a few people a long time ago if they provided a photograph of them and their "brother" that cheated and a monetary penalty by donating to charity.

The thing is though, we have no idea if that person was even really their brother or if it was just a friend that didn't even play the game.

It was just too much of a hassle and people didn't like that you could pay to get unbanned. So we don't do it anymore

If you have a "friend" or "relative" that is using your network, you should make sure they know not to cheat on our servers.


Uncharitable Spy
Thank you for your response! Aye I understand that you don't want to permaban people and I also understand that script kiddies must pay. I just felt it was necessary to address this, because I was getting confused. By any chance do you remember when you stopped accepting donations for unbans? This case is from 2016. Again apologies for my curiosity.