
Rage-Inducing Forum Troll
Thanks for supporting us. Beware of the bullies on here and the people who rate people based on what they post, that's the way it is around here. You get judged, yelled at, and all these insults. But if you stay true to yourself, you won't let those people get to you. Don't change who you are, never, because if you do you will fall in a dark place. No matter who says anything, be who you are without being scared. This world keep spinning, we should to. Without us there is no "us" but rather people in the world telling us otherwise, don't be that person.

Thank you so much for donating.

Salty Mcpepperson

Wicked Nasty Engineer
Thank you for supporting the community!

Tip: Review the benefits closely as I was not taking full advantage of them when I first donated.

A few to consider:
  • /hat "#" "Color" ex: "/hat 13 red" gives you a burning flames red hat.
  • Typing "connect" (used 2Fort+ LA in this example) in the console will allow you to enter into the server even if it is full.