
Legendary Skial King
1:30 PM - StealthRyan: hey the ptice for a unusual hermes is 30 usd
1:30 PM - StealthRyan: price
1:30 PM - Chel: not the one I have
1:30 PM - StealthRyan: homw much?
1:31 PM - Chel: its worth about 32 keys
1:31 PM - StealthRyan: i mean in money
1:31 PM - Chel: I think that's around $60-70 bucks
1:31 PM - Chel: it's on
1:31 PM - StealthRyan: but a key is around 1.00 so 1.00 x 32 = 32.00
1:31 PM - Chel: lmao
1:32 PM - StealthRyan: just makin a ponint
1:31 PM - Chel: you're funny
1:32 PM - StealthRyan: :(
1:32 PM - Chel:
1:32 PM - StealthRyan: oh sorry :/
1:33 PM - Chel: sorry but $30 is nice, but it's not gonna cut it
1:34 PM - StealthRyan: and A BUD?
1:34 PM - StealthRyan: sorry caps
1:34 PM - Chel: buds aren't worth anything anymore
1:34 PM - StealthRyan: fuck me i just wat somthing
1:34 PM - Chel: yeah but lowballing is a dick move
1:34 PM - StealthRyan: sorry i did not know
1:35 PM - StealthRyan: i checked o the market it was about 36.00
1:35 PM - Chel: it depends on the effect
1:35 PM - StealthRyan: oh
1:35 PM - StealthRyan: sorry i suck a tf2
1:35 PM - Chel: lol
1:35 PM - Chel: anyways thanks but no thanks for your offer
1:35 PM - Chel: bye
1:36 PM - StealthRyan: bye


16:33 -!- qwebirc26397 [] has joined #skial
16:33 < qwebirc26397> fuck skial\
16:34 < qwebirc26397> fuck all you skial scum fuckers
16:34 < qwebirc26397> admin niggers fucker
16:34 < qwebirc26397> fucking fags\
16:34 < qwebirc26397> fuck skial]
16:34 < qwebirc26397> fuck skial\
16:34 < qwebirc26397> fuck your family may they burn
16:35 < qwebirc26397> fucking nigger scum shit fuckers
16:36 -!- qwebirc26397 [] has quit []


Australian Skial God
His jimmies look rustled.


TF2 Admin
5:35 PM - Hellgasims♡: hey kin
5:35 PM - KinCryos 岩: yo
5:35 PM - Hellgasims♡: Im wondering if you have some funds on your steam account?
5:36 PM - KinCryos 岩: 42¢
5:37 PM - KinCryos 岩: highest it's been since the sale started


Gaben's Own Aimbot
❥ Halcy: Turned on tv
❥ Halcy: Something about golf coverage
❥ Halcy: They're commentating on some golf tourney
❥ Halcy: All i hear is talk about examining holes
❥ Halcy: Driving holes
❥ Halcy: Balls
❥ Halcy: Sandwiches
❥ Halcy: Hitting it, and tight shots
❥ Halcy: Golf is gay
  • Like
Reactions: Defibyoulater


Epic Skial Regular
8:15 PM - ♫MR.Lee♫Industries♫: nice you are admin
8:16 PM - Taρ²: Hm yeah
8:16 PM - ♫MR.Lee♫Industries♫: i will be aadmin
8:19 PM - Taρ²: No
8:19 PM - ♫MR.Lee♫Industries♫: ,
8:19 PM - ♫MR.Lee♫Industries♫: ,
8:19 PM - ♫MR.Lee♫Industries♫: ,
8:19 PM - ♫MR.Lee♫Industries♫: ?
8:22 PM - ♫MR.Lee♫Industries♫: what ere you mean?
  • Like
Reactions: Defibyoulater


Server-Clearing Cynic
Never tell your password to anyone.
Montag, 13. Juli 2015
14:58 - T-Wayne: hi who are you?
15:02 - Adam: oh
15:02 - Adam: hi dude
15:02 - Adam: can you play with us?
15:02 - Adam: tf2
15:02 - T-Wayne: what where how why
15:05 - Adam: our match will be start in 10-15minutes
15:05 - Adam: scout/spy/med/solly
15:05 - T-Wayne: and you want me download mumble right
15:06 - Adam is now Offline.


TF2 Admin
1:55 PM - SΔRGENT¥ (MCT): Yo
1:55 PM - KinCryos 岩: yo
1:55 PM - SΔRGENT¥ (MCT): know anyone who can use visual graphics?
1:56 PM - KinCryos 岩: anyone with eyesight?
1:56 PM - SΔRGENT¥ (MCT): Well, I mean like after effects and shit
1:56 PM - KinCryos 岩: oh, lol
1:56 PM - KinCryos 岩: no, sorry
1:57 PM - SΔRGENT¥ (MCT): lol
1:57 PM - SΔRGENT¥ (MCT): no problem, thanks anyway :)


Gaben's Own Aimbot
1:55 PM - SΔRGENT¥ (MCT): Yo
1:55 PM - KinCryos 岩: yo
1:55 PM - SΔRGENT¥ (MCT): know anyone who can use visual graphics?
1:56 PM - KinCryos 岩: anyone with eyesight?
1:56 PM - SΔRGENT¥ (MCT): Well, I mean like after effects and shit
1:56 PM - KinCryos 岩: oh, lol
1:56 PM - KinCryos 岩: no, sorry
1:57 PM - SΔRGENT¥ (MCT): lol
1:57 PM - SΔRGENT¥ (MCT): no problem, thanks anyway :)
lol what an idiot


Server-Clearing Cynic
Sonntag, 26. Juli 2015
11:04 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: Hey
11:05 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: Iam Unbanned?
11:05 - T-Wayne: idk, it probably takes a few hours left
11:05 - T-Wayne: were you banned in the morning or evening
11:05 - T-Wayne: its exactly 7 days
11:05 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: i know
11:05 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: 7 days are over
11:05 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: now only 1 hour
11:05 - T-Wayne: then
11:06 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: gimme the site
11:06 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: were iam banned
11:06 - T-Wayne: nonono if you are banned lets say 20th at 9pm
11:06 - T-Wayne: you are unbanned 27th at 9pm
11:06 - T-Wayne: not on 27th 12am
11:06 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: JESUS
11:06 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: its now 26
11:06 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: YOU SAID 1 DAY BACK
11:06 - T-Wayne: it was just an example
11:06 - T-Wayne: lol
11:06 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: 2 days
11:06 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: now 1 day
11:06 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: so i get unbanned
11:06 - T-Wayne: dont flip out i was just explaining something to you
11:07 - T-Wayne: but you have not understood it
11:07 - T-Wayne: 07-26-15 12:13
11:07 - T-Wayne: you need to add there
11:07 - T-Wayne: about 9 hours
11:07 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: 07-19-15 12:13
11:08 - T-Wayne: yes but the 12:13 is us time
11:08 - T-Wayne: usa time
11:08 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: NOW UNBAN ME
11:08 - T-Wayne: to you its additional 9 hours
11:08 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: its 11:08
11:08 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: Fuck Skial
11:08 - T-Wayne: okay, you know what, im sick of you, i try to help you but you do nothing but demand stuff and insult the community
11:09 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout: O Okay
11:09 - T-Wayne: your ban is over i guess at 7pm or 6pm
11:09 - ๖ۣۜCool ๖ۣۜScout is now Offline. *Deleted the guy after kindly helping him out*

@Beetlejuice Remember you banned him for impersonation? He is getting unbanned today but he is not the patient type of guy as you can see ;)