Auntie Sotaar

Mildly Menacing Medic
Greetings all in the land of Skial! Many refer to me as Sotaar or Auntie (which is not a good idea, as there are about 10 other Aunties as well). I generally hang around the idle server as a friendly and helpful player, though sometimes I venture to the other servers whenever I get bored of either being friendly or fighting off F2Ps and tryhards on the idle one. I'm a generally passive person, and easy to get along with as long as you aren't one of those people whose sole purpose is to upset others. I've made my home here on Skial and I enjoy the community and friendly staff. I hope to stay with this community as long as I can, and would be more than happy to assist in any way possible.

Good to meet you all, and happy playing!