Recent content by VANTABLACK


    /dsay_name not working

    Are there other commands for colored chat, name, title besides /dsay_name? Do you have an example of how to do multi color txt? edited because I solved my initial problem by going back into the inventory and equipping dsay.

    Large Unusual Effects

    This is what I said in my first post. Then speaking with another user it seems what I was looking for was unavailable. The next question I had, which made sense to me, was is there a way to disable it. It wouldn't hurt anything and I wasn't disrespecting the work that went into the mod. I've...

    Large Unusual Effects

    I wasn't criticizing the mods existence, for the record. I was just pointing out how things have changed. I didn't think there would be a way to hide them for certain players but is it possible to get a way to disable the mod altogether? So things work as they would any other server.

    Large Unusual Effects

    I tried the hide wearables option and that removed everything, everything... Hats, misc, effects. There were headless pyros and legless demos everywhere. I didn't see a way to hide only effects. Maybe there should be a way to disable the mod altogether?

    Large Unusual Effects

    Thanks for your reply. If I turn off effects will it turn off only server side effects but still allow legitimate unusuals?

    Large Unusual Effects

    I like your !items. I'm not sure how you get away with it, valve must really not care anymore, but I like it. However, I came here to post a small complaint. The effects are fine but when they are allowed across the middle of the body in duplicate and spread out so far it's quite distracting...