Recent content by Tá sé ag cur baístí

  1. Tá sé ag cur baístí

    Invalid Appeal: Tá sé ag cur baístí

    Okay yeah that's understandable, thank you for the time
  2. Tá sé ag cur baístí

    Invalid Appeal: Tá sé ag cur baístí

    I am aware that there is a hacking account linked to my IP, but I have multiple people who visit me throughout the years, bringing laptops etc and I share the internet with two siblings who also play this game. I'm not sure when I got banned as I only checked today, so I don't know who I could...
  3. Tá sé ag cur baístí

    Invalid Appeal: Tá sé ag cur baístí

    Link to your ban or your com block:[U:1:89945061] Why should you be unbanned or unblocked?: I occasionally use a VPN, i have never used aimware or game assisting tools (Except for Steam Achievement Manager on one occasion) and I...