Recent content by Samg381

  1. Samg381

    Cash or Item Bought an Oculus Rift? Do you have a TF2VRH hat code? I'm buying one!

    I am willing to negotiate on the price because of how much I need it. Edit: I'm going to head to bed. I'm on Eastern Standard Time so tell your friend I am still interested :blush: I also sent you a friend request over steam in case your friend didn't have an account. Thanks!
  2. Samg381

    Cash or Item Bought an Oculus Rift? Do you have a TF2VRH hat code? I'm buying one!

    Sorry for the wait. I am really flexible about the price. If you could tell him to add me (if he has steam) we could discuss it there. Another person who was offering it for $70 cancelled on me so hopefully he can match the same price.
  3. Samg381

    Cash or Item Bought an Oculus Rift? Do you have a TF2VRH hat code? I'm buying one!

    Hello! Did you purchase a Oculus rift at or around 2013 and received a TF2VRH Hat code? The code will show up as a button to retrieve it here: Please do a quick check to see if you have one lying around. I would really appreciate it! If you do happen to have one...
  4. Samg381

    Problem solved. My Upload Speed Keeps Dropping

    Contact your Internet Service Provider. You are paying for internet speeds that you are not getting.
  5. Samg381

    Jailbreak moved to DDoS proof datacenter

    DDoS attacks are a drag.