Recent content by [R.I.P Stefan Karl] Soap

  1. [R.I.P Stefan Karl] Soap

    DeathRun Playstation Insanity

    This is really getting exhausting. Every time I join the server it's Playstation. Never anything else. And these kids who like this map are just retarded.They RTV every other map to play Playstation and if someone doesn't like the map and complains some fag will open the vote menu to get him...
  2. [R.I.P Stefan Karl] Soap

    DeathRun Playstation Insanity

    This is a big problem, we can't play any other map because people apparently love that map so they RTV 2 damn maps to play that. We can't play Deathrun with them around. One map for so much time is just boring. We want to play other maps.