Recent content by JesusRekt

  1. JesusRekt

    Account Trading 550€ LOL euw acc (Victorious Jana, Elise, Morgana) for cheap Knife (70€+)

    Conntact me on Steam (Uncomfortable Jaguar| Steven) or here
  2. JesusRekt

    Account 3 League accounts for CS Items

    I want CS:GO items 1st was silver s4 gold s5 (Sivir skin) has 100+ skin has 110+ champs 2nd was gold s2 (Janna skin) gold s3 (Elise skin) gold s4 (Morgana skin) silver s5 has 35+ skins has 100+ champs 3rd was silver s5 has 20 champs has 3 skins for...
  3. JesusRekt

    Account League account for csgo skins

    I ve got a falcion knife blue steel mw and i can add the rest of my skins
  4. JesusRekt


    I ve got a falchion knife blue steel MW (75€) ak-red line (5€?) and some other shit,
  5. JesusRekt

    Account WTT LoL account for skins in CSGO

    I ve got a falchion knife blue steel MW (75€) ak-red line (5€?) and some other shit,
  6. JesusRekt

    Account League account for CS:GO skins

    I ve got a falchion knife blue steel MW (75€) ak-red line (5€?) and some other shit, + i got 20€ on my steam acc so u can choose a skin that u want and i buy it steamcommunity.(com)/tradeoffer/new/?partner=133714328&token=tFQ73NMM P.S: the .com normal its my 2nd post :D
  7. JesusRekt

    Account [H] EuW LoLacc 216skins[W] CS:GO items

    I ve got a falchion knife blue steel MW (75€) ak-red line (5€?) and some other shit, + i got 20€ on my steam acc so u can choose a skin that u want and i buy it steamcommunity.(com)/tradeoffer/new/?partner=133714328&token=tFQ73NMM P.S: the .com normal its my 2nd post :D
  8. JesusRekt

    Closed gg

    I've got a Falchion Knife Bluesteel MW, a little little bit green, steamcommunity.(com)/tradeoffer/new/?partner=133714328&token=tFQ73NMM, trade link. P.S: the .com normal can't send links cuz i am new :D