Recent content by Ghooch

  1. Ghooch

    Hey there! I am using Skial.

    Hey there! I am using Skial.
  2. Ghooch

    Hi, i'm new in town.

    Meowcenary seems like a reasonable and intelligent person. Everyone should seriously consider his proposal.
  3. Ghooch

    Picture Skial's official cat thread

    Does anyone have any cats for sale?
  4. Ghooch

    Hi, i'm new in town.

    Excellent! You'll have to point this cat fetishist in my direction. I'll play on which ever servers happen to have the most players. Am kicking arse/ass on US payload atm.
  5. Ghooch

    Hi, i'm new in town.

    My name is Sanchez McGhooch, but you can call me Ghooch I like to play TF2 (Team Fortress 2) a lot. As a gesture of good will to the Skial community, I present a video of some kittens in a box. I look forward to engaging in hat based shenanigans with you all x x x