Recent content by Funtendy211

  1. Funtendy211

    Place to Download ZE maps?

    I recently got a new pc and I want to download the maps prior to playing ZE so i don't need to wait for downloading every time there is a map rotation. Can someone send me a link to the map files or share their copies of the map?
  2. Funtendy211

    Freezing after Taunting or Infected in ZE

    I had this problem where I freeze for a small amount of time after doing a partner taunt or getting infected by zombies in ZE. Why is this?
  3. Funtendy211

    New [ZE] Buff the Quick Fix

    The quick fix allows you to heal teammates at a high rate when Uber charged but doesn't help the medic himself in any way. Can you make it so it also heals him or gives him a bigger self heal rate?
  4. Funtendy211


    So I'm just looking for a reason why my mods aren't working even though they are verified.
  5. Funtendy211

    Sandvich no heal?

    Oh wait, I might have switched weapons. Ok thanks :D
  6. Funtendy211

    Sandvich no heal?

    Maybe? The only mod that works for me on the servers is a mod that changes the voice lines into the robot voice lines. Don't know how that can conflict with the sandvich.
  7. Funtendy211


    Wait, so all my mods work on the idle server, but only one of all other verified mods work on any other server. Just read the first message for more info stuff. Here's a picture of my custon folder: Everything above the workshop file are the verified files and the one's below are the mods...
  8. Funtendy211


    It only seems that the mods work on the idle trade server only, maybe just because sv_pure is off.
  9. Funtendy211


    So I have this mod that changes the player model into the robot model in mvm and a mod to change a weapon skin and it didn't work, even after verifying the files in and placing in the custom folder. I did verify the mod that changes player voice lines and that's the only...
  10. Funtendy211

    Sandvich no heal?

    I didn't notice anything else. Just no heal from the sandvich. I can still use it to heal other players though.
  11. Funtendy211

    Sandvich no heal?

    That seems to happen to me too for some reason.
  12. Funtendy211

    Hat Unusuals

    So, I recently bought the "access to hat particles" or something and when I try to apply an unusual, it says that I am unable to apply it because I am a F2P, even though I have bought multiple things on the official MANN Co Store. Help?