Recent content by ☆ . * Tenshi * . ☆

  1. ☆ . * Tenshi * . ☆

    Invalid Appeal: ☆ . * Tenshi * . ☆

    AH thank you. I actually didn't hear the first warning. I was distracted by something. No I understand now thanks. I mean, people who spam the chat after getting muted are pretty petty. I'm not like that but thank you for telling me that.
  2. ☆ . * Tenshi * . ☆

    Invalid Appeal: ☆ . * Tenshi * . ☆

    There's no need to be rude about. Could of said a simple 'because people use chat to spam words after their mute too' would of serviced.
  3. ☆ . * Tenshi * . ☆

    Invalid Appeal: ☆ . * Tenshi * . ☆

    Link to your ban or your com block:[U:1:139282268]&Submit Why should you be unbanned or unblocked?: Alrighty. The micspam I understand yeah. I wasn't warned of a mute nor do I care about that but I was silenced for it? That seems...