
Somewhat Threatening Sniper
Sex solicitation and manipulation

Player Name:



TURBINE+ | US | Fast

Detailed Explanation / Screenshots / Demos:
There was a player named "rix" on the Turbine US fast server.

They claimed to be a woman and typed in the all chat questions about genitals and sex and conversations of such affairs.

I was not amused. This person intentionally sat in server and typed in response to all the other players who were interested in the conversation about sex and it was disturbing, socially.

I've nothing against the freedom of speech, but people claiming to be women in video games, then loquatiously discussing the topic of sex in a game where violence and hats is the norm is not a situation I found compelling.

Most of the time Skial servers are pretty clean, but tonight was just full of filth, there was another fellow named "I feel Fantastic" who posted pornographic spray tags, though they seemed like a nice person.

My biggest issue was with the rix person because they were a person of the lie, and they repeatedely flamed me when I politely protested against the conversations they were perpetuating.

I am posting this because if I protect a few steam users from some sicko soliciting cyber sex, I would be able to sleep at night.


Somewhat Threatening Sniper
Um, that's great that you found the "racism" but I was more worried about somebody taking advantage of your rules...

Welp, I guess I was worried about nothing? If there is no wrong doing then I suppose I overreacted.