iMedico :X

Scarcely Lethal Noob
Selling league of legends account !! in EUNE

Selling league of legends account !! in EUNE
Silver 1 0 LP in game geting around 20/25 lp every game lost 10/13 lp.
season 3 silver have cool summoner icons !
runes AP/AD
Alistar,amumu,annie,ashe,caitlyn,dr.mundo,evelyne, ezreal,fiora,garen,hecarim,janna,jarven IV,Jax,kayle,kha'zix,lux,malphite,master yi,nasus,nidalee,nocturne,olaf,poppy,renekton,rive n,ryze,singed,sivir,soraka,talon,teemo,tristana,tr yndamere,udyr,veigar,warwick,zed

Account got 14 skins:
J4 Dragonslayer
amunu re-gifted
nidalee headhunter
riven battlebunny
fiora royalguard
master yi choosen
teemo panda
nocturne eternum
alister unchained
garen rugged/dreadknight
singed snowday
zed shockblade
dr.mundo corporate

Giving the account with full information for backing when pm support and if want the original mail..
If want we can use middleman !

skype for prices and information stelio_pzz ! or add me in steam to talk

Giving this account for cs-go skins or cs-go keys or paypal money !!