
Somewhat Threatening Sniper
time zone : GMT+01 active monday , 4 pm - 8pm , wed - fri , 4pm - 8 pm , Sat- Sun 12am -7pm
Will you get mad if you lose admin?:
No , fair to say i wont get mad but as expected maybe a little anoyed.
How do you ban your own SteamID?:
sm_ban STEAM_0:1:43084122 ( inconsol) Please don't hack it's against the rules. You can apple at Skial.com.
Any other reason you should be admin:
I have experience in administrating i own a 300 people group. My group has , in the past , owned a server. This sady had to come to an end due to finance problems. I speak fll english and was born and raised in England. I have over 1000 hours on team fortress two and think that i would be a suable candedate as a server administrator. I have spent a lot of time on the server and and truthfully say that i have never seen one admin on this server and people are often spawn camping in this server due to this is would like to be an admin thanks.​
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Australian Skial God
Spawn camping is not against the rules.
Also, as an admin you would need to take care of forum reports and all the servers, not just one.
Furthermore, your ban command is wrong, please fix it. It would not work and we need to see the specific console way for it to work.

Cowboy Crow

Australian Skial God
-1. You got upto a 3 day mute, you don't meet the 3 day minimum and your profile is private. Its normally recommended not to keep it privet if you're going to be admin.


Somewhat Threatening Sniper
time zone : GMT+01 active monday , 4 pm - 8pm , wed - fri , 4pm - 8 pm , Sat- Sun 12am -7pm
Will you get mad if you lose admin?:
No , fair to say i wont get mad but as expected maybe a little anoyed.
How do you ban your own SteamID?:
sm_ban STEAM_0:1:43084122 ( inconsol) Please don't hack it's against the rules. You can apple at Skial.com.
Any other reason you should be admin:
I have experience in administrating i own a 300 people group. My group has , in the past , owned a server. This sady had to come to an end due to finance problems. I speak fll english and was born and raised in England. I have over 1000 hours on team fortress two and think that i would be a suable candedate as a server administrator. I have spent a lot of time on the server and and truthfully say that i have never seen one admin on this server and people are often spawn camping in this server due to this is would like to be an admin thanks.​


1d is way too little connection time, and you have no chat history.
EDIT: You have 8d connection in trade, with a very unimpressive chatlog. Sorry, but I really don't see this happening.


Australian Skial God
The ban command is still wrong.
You also do not meet the connection time requirements to be an admin.


Somewhat Threatening Sniper
Sorry people this application as gone all wrong , and yes i do i have loads of time on this server i think i gave the wrong profile link sorry please give me a few mins to fix all of this big mess.

Cowboy Crow

Australian Skial God
Sorry people this application as gone all wrong , and yes i do i have loads of time on this server i think i gave the wrong profile link sorry please give me a few mins to fix all of this big mess.
No you did not give the wrong one, infact thats your only one as you have only played on Trade.


Australian Skial God
You dont seem bright enough to be admin.
It also seems this application was rushed and not taken seriously.
You cant get the ban command, gets the wrong steamid / hlstats, and are trying to start over and argue criticism.